7 Minutes In the Morning – How To Be Limitless!

“Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless” ~Jamie Paolinetti

Have you ever seen a scary movie or had a nightmare? They use your imagination to create obstacles to your actions. And we don’t need the movies to do that, we’re plenty good on our own. Most people are pretty good at looking at a set of circumstances and letting the potential NEGATIVE outcomes prevent them from acting.

Well, let’s turn that on its head today. What if you use your imagination to see the potentially POSITIVE outcomes in a set of circumstances and use that vision of what could be to pull you into action?! What could you accomplish TODAY if you CHOSE to see the positive potential in every circumstance?

And if you get stuck, you’re in a circumstance that you just can’t see a positive in, remember the words of Chief Tecumseh, “When you rise in the morning, give thanks…for the joy of living. If you can find no reason to give thanks, the fault lies only in yourself.”

Go out and make today…THE BEST DAY EVER!

The Guaranteed Way To Fail – And the Confidence To Start Anyway

Are you ‘almost’ ready to start your business or next project…just as soon as you ___? That attitude will GUARANTEE your failure! There is one easy way to overcome that obstacle and it is required of EVERY successful project! Do you know what it is? Then stay tuned!

Every business owner and aspiring entrepreneur has a laundry list of things they ‘want’ to do. The difference between those that succeed and those that fail however is that the successful businesses START! “But Thom, you don’t understand, I just need to know ___!” Whatever words you choose to fill in that blank, I’ve heard them…and they’re all excuses! Stop making excuses and start taking action!

Now, of course, there are materials to gather, plans to make, intel to collect on the enemy, um, competition…so how do you deal with that AND start? Simple…you simplify on a timeline! (not guaranteed to be easy!)

First, you simplify with the MVP method. MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product…what is the least amount of product (or service) that my client will pay me for? That’s your MVP.

Second, you develop your MVP on a timeline. You don’t have an unlimited amount of time to figure out what your MVP is, you time-box your decision making then at the end of that time-box…you start…no matter what!

Will your decision be perfect? Unlikely.
Will you have to modify or adapt your trajectory? Very likely!
Will you be ahead of the competitors that are still reading books and watching videos? Definitely!

And as we talked about yesterday, being out front is PARAMOUNT! (Here’s the link in case you missed it:

Look, I know this is scary, but the best way to gain confidence is to start! And with momentum, you can actually gain speed and make the work easier the faster you go.

And it all begins with starting!

If you’re stuck and not sure how to get started, I can help. Take 90 seconds right now and visit www.ThomRigsby.com/coaching to schedule a time for us to talk! Start the ball rolling RIGHT NOW!

Don’t Be Married To the Idea!

Do you think you have a good idea? Maybe even a GREAT idea? That’s awesome, but can you prove it?

Sorry to break the news, but your idea is worthless. It means nothing, has no value, and won’t earn you a dime. Now maybe that’s a little harsh, but it’s true. An idea is just that, simply thoughts in your head or pen scratches on paper of something you think could be great. It has no intrinsic value to anyone but you, and quite frankly, it’s just not that special.


The reality is what’s special is YOU, your ability to execute that idea, and take it out of your head and into the world! It’s one thing to have an idea, but it’s your will to develop and work with it that defines its potential. You have to take that idea beyond just a cool pitch or talking point around the dinner table and turn it into something others are willing to get on board with! You have to transform it into something that inspires others to act now, and if you can do that, your idea has some merit behind it!

Until someone puts money in your hand, it’s just an idea, so take steps to make it something more. Work diligently to simplify it, boil it down to something you can execute, then go out and generate interest! Don’t sit around and mope that others don’t get it or just can’t see the vision. Put in the work and prove to the world that your idea is worth it!

You know what you’ve got and what you can do, so go out and get it done. Refine your inspiration and make it into something for others to get excited about! THAT is how you prove you have a good, no, GREAT idea!

Overcoming Limits (and Limiting Beliefs!)

Question of the day: What do you want to do but believe you are unqualified or unable to do?

Have you ever known someone who constantly believed they were falling prey to the latest malady in the news? Cancer from styrofoam cups? Yep! Flesh-eating bacteria? You know…my arm has been itching a lot…!

There is a medical condition known as hypochondria where your mind convinces you that you have a condition…so your body begins to act like you have that condition! It becomes a self-reinforcing condition!

So here’s my thought…if you mind is powerful enough to make you sick…why can’t you mind be powerful enough to make you well? Or in the context of your work or business…if your mind can prevent you from being successful, why can’t your mind assist you in being successful!?!?

You’ve probably heard the old axiom “fake it till you make it,” right? Well, there’s definitely a bit of truth in that. In EVERY successful endeavor, the first person you have to convince that it’s going to work…is YOU!

How many times have you seen a great opportunity but passes on it because of {insert your weak excuse here}!

STOP Doing That!

Instead, find the reasons why you should jump head-long into that opportunity and make it a winner. Remember, there are a million reasons why not, only one great reason why!

Drop a comment below and let us know what opportunity you are going to move on today! Make a commitment then take action to make it real! It’s the only way to change your future!

Unleash Your Potential

Are you living at your full potential? Is your business, your work, and your life as good as it could be? Even if the answer is “almost” then you still have work to do! Read on…

When energy is stored (like in a spring or a battery) and not used it is called POTENTIAL energy…potential because it is not being realized. You have the potential within you and it is stored in the form of a big, hairy, audacious goal…a BHAG…a dream that is so big and crazy that, until today, you have resisted even telling anyone else about it!

Well, today is the day you are going to share your big dream with the world. Here’s why…

Potential does nothing for anyone until it is released…but it can degrade. Over time an unused battery will lose its charge. A spring will be sprung (yep, that’s really what it’s called!) If you don’t begin releasing your potential TODAY you will begin losing it TODAY!

If you’ve been tracking with us all week, you know that Monday I challenged you to refine your BGAG into a clear concise sentence…Well, today is the day to share it with the world and what better place to start than right here!

Within the Thom Rigsby community you have people just like you, similarly situated to you, ready and willing to support YOU! Everybody here has a crazy, non-conformist dream, I just want you to be an UNASHAMED non-conformist!

So go ahead, drop that powerful sentence in the comments and let the rest of the community know what you will pursue and make a reality!

Where All Dreams Start

What dream do you have that is so big, so crazy, so ridiculous that you hesitate to share it with anyone else…but you just can’t let it go?

Last week we talked about fear and the role it plays in reaching your dreams, this week we’re talking about boldly pursuing your dreams. This week, we’re gonna jump start your journey to reaching that dream by creating some clarity around what you want and building some confidence behind your ability to do it!

Lately, the word desire seems to have taken on a negative connotation. The reality is that the desire of your heart is there for a reason. You are uniquely gifted, talented and placed to have an abundant life and play your part in the bigger picture. Desire is that calling…that aching that continuously draws you into the role you are uniquely qualified and able to fulfill.

As we make our way through this week, I want you to focus on the big dream, that BHAG (big, hairy, audacious goal)…today, work to define it, refine it, and put it into one powerful sentence. Something you can say to yourself every time the going gets tough and you want to quit. Something you can share to rally others to follow you. Something that will light a fire in your belly and keep it blazing until you make it a reality!

What is your BHAG?

So You’re Too Busy?

So, how have you been? How’s the business?

I find myself asking this question a lot at networking or other meetings where I’m running into people I know. It’s a pretty common greeting. Do you know what answer I get frequently? “Well, I’ve been pretty busy!” (or some variant of that)

While we’re taking a little break from the daily grind this week at the beach, I wanted to remind you that busy does not equal effective. In fact, it is a terrible measure of how things are going. The hamster is busy, and not moving an inch.

In my live workshop Making Time for Success, one of the key concepts addresses the mistaken idea that time management is about efficiency. The efficient use of time is to get more done is the same amount of time. This is wrong.

What you really want is the more effective use of your time…getting the right things done in the allotted time. This requires some hard decisions!

Right now, how many items are on your to-do list? I want you to take an honest inventory and identify everything on that list that, if you NEVER did them, nothing adverse would happen. You are probably like a lot of people that use a lengthy to-do list as a crutch to help you feel better about not getting anything done…but you’re busy!

I want you to go through your list and pick the five most important things on your list. The items you pick should all take less than a day to complete (if they are bigger than one day, break them down into day-sized chunks).

Now, armed with your next five moves…pick the one item that will have the greatest impact on your life if you do it today. That item is now your priority. Get that done first, then knock out the other four. Then tomorrow…rinse and repeat.

This is the P+4F method at work. You can find a video explaining it in more detail on my website (link in bio). Use it and it will change your life. Keep doing what you’ve been doing…and you’ll keep getting what you already have!

It’s Your Call

Business (and life) is a contact sport! What do you do when it gets to be too much?

Let’s face it, it happens to everybody! Sometimes all the moving pieces of your success and fulfillment seem to be moving in opposite directions! UGH! The answer though is pretty simple…

The more complicated things become, the more aggressively you have to simplify!

Overwhelm, and the feeling of lost control that accompanies it can be debilitating if you let it…but it doesn’t have to be.

Most people believe when they are experiencing overwhelm that the pathway out is planning or studying or some other distraction. The reality is, there’s only one way to dig out from overwhelm…simplify!

In the short term, find one thing you can control, that you can make an unimpeded decision about and make it. For Mel Robbins, author of the 5-second Rule, that was the snooze button on her alarm clock. It doesn’t have to be big or fancy, just something YOU control.

Now that you have some confidence taking control of your ‘alarm clock’ take on that giant pile of decisions that are overwhelming you. Simplify the decision point all the way down to, “which choice moves me closer to my goal.”

Take Jocko’s advice (slightly modified by Thom), “Relax, [take a breath], look around, and make a decision.” Those decisions are the reins of control in your business and your life…start deciding and take back control!

If you need help finding your clarity or simplifying your decision matrix, DM me or connect with me on my website (link in bio) at www.ThomRigsby.com.

How to Overcome the Fear of Failure

What fun, exciting, or great thing are you missing out on because you are afraid of failing? Stop missing out!

Fear serves a great purpose for us…it is our mind telling our body to pay attention and it kept us alive for many generations! But when you accept fear for what it is, and why it exists, overcoming it gets easier.

All fear is rooted in uncertainty and serves to help us avoid pain. The only way to reduce or remove fear is by reducing uncertainty by 1) studying the situation or 2) just do it.

I was talking with a coaching client yesterday who kept adding tasks in between now and THE critical task in his journey to success. He was avoiding the fear!

There’s at least one other tactic you can use right away to reduce fear…but you’re going to have to check out the podcast for that one (link in bio)!

Just remember, regardless of what you’re afraid of, it is impossible to demonstrate courage in the absence of fear! If you’re afraid, be courageous and be a winner!