Don’t Be Married To the Idea!

Do you think you have a good idea? Maybe even a GREAT idea? That’s awesome, but can you prove it?

Sorry to break the news, but your idea is worthless. It means nothing, has no value, and won’t earn you a dime. Now maybe that’s a little harsh, but it’s true. An idea is just that, simply thoughts in your head or pen scratches on paper of something you think could be great. It has no intrinsic value to anyone but you, and quite frankly, it’s just not that special.

The reality is what’s special is YOU, your ability to execute that idea, and take it out of your head and into the world! It’s one thing to have an idea, but it’s your will to develop and work with it that defines its potential. You have to take that idea beyond just a cool pitch or talking point around the dinner table and turn it into something others are willing to get on board with! You have to transform it into something that inspires others to act now, and if you can do that, your idea has some merit behind it!

Until someone puts money in your hand, it’s just an idea, so take steps to make it something more. Work diligently to simplify it, boil it down to something you can execute, then go out and generate interest! Don’t sit around and mope that others don’t get it or just can’t see the vision. Put in the work and prove to the world that your idea is worth it!

You know what you’ve got and what you can do, so go out and get it done. Refine your inspiration and make it into something for others to get excited about! THAT is how you prove you have a good, no, GREAT idea!