Don’t Let Gratitude Trap You In the Past

Is it easy for you to be thankful and express your gratitude?

For years, part of my morning routine has included gratitude. In fact, I do my best to start each day’s journal entry with, “Today, I am grateful for…” I began that practice because gratitude and thankfulness are outbound emotions and by starting my day with those outbound emotions, I don’t get trapped thinking about ME!

But I think I’ve been doing it wrong! Are you?

In the past few weeks, I’ve been really digging into the concept of gratitude and I’ve made a discovery… when we limit our thanks to the things that have already happened, it forces us to live in the past…and the past is not where we’re going! Sure, be thankful for the things that have happened in your life (good and bad! but that’s another post). But that doesn’t help us move forward! So, what should we do?

Think about it this way, if you have an outcome you’d like to achieve (100 new customers, new job, new house…whatever) and you wish, hope, and pray for it…you’re basically saying, “Here I am, bring this outcome to me!” Those hopes and prayers are passive…you’re asking for it to be done for/to you!

Practicing REAL gratitude is being thankful for results not yet received! Saying thank you for things that are already yours, you’re just not there yet! This gives you a direction and vision to move toward! When you can approach gratitude in this way, it allows you to become an ACTIVE participant in creating the outcome instead of being passive and hoping it will happen to you.

So on this Thanksgiving Day 2019, I want you to begin practicing REAL gratitude for what is to come! Whether you are gathered around the table to enjoy a meal, working, or just hanging out with friends…when the time comes to share what you’re thankful for…share something that is to come. And then…

…share that coming result that you are grateful for in the comments below. I’d love to hear about where you’re going and what you are making happen in the final few weeks of 2019 and beyond!!