Why Cash Is NOT King!

You’ve probably heard the old saying that Cash Is King…right? What if it’s not?

As business owners and leaders, the odds can feel like they’re stacked against us. With more than 90% of new businesses not making it through the first five years, and their demise often attributed to inadequate funding (wrong, but that’s for another day) it’s easy to understand why so many businesses chase the money. But there’s another currency you should be chasing instead.


Harold Geneen once said, “In business, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later.”

Chasing the cash turns every customer interaction into a transaction. The truth is, this is very transparent to the customer, and many times they are fine with that. But there it also prevents the development of a relationship and any semblance of customer loyalty.

Now, I’m not saying you should do the work for free, but do consider what you are gaining from every interaction. There is something you can learn…and that might be worth much more than cash!

So You’re Too Busy?

So, how have you been? How’s the business?

I find myself asking this question a lot at networking or other meetings where I’m running into people I know. It’s a pretty common greeting. Do you know what answer I get frequently? “Well, I’ve been pretty busy!” (or some variant of that)

While we’re taking a little break from the daily grind this week at the beach, I wanted to remind you that busy does not equal effective. In fact, it is a terrible measure of how things are going. The hamster is busy, and not moving an inch.

In my live workshop Making Time for Success, one of the key concepts addresses the mistaken idea that time management is about efficiency. The efficient use of time is to get more done is the same amount of time. This is wrong.

What you really want is the more effective use of your time…getting the right things done in the allotted time. This requires some hard decisions!

Right now, how many items are on your to-do list? I want you to take an honest inventory and identify everything on that list that, if you NEVER did them, nothing adverse would happen. You are probably like a lot of people that use a lengthy to-do list as a crutch to help you feel better about not getting anything done…but you’re busy!

I want you to go through your list and pick the five most important things on your list. The items you pick should all take less than a day to complete (if they are bigger than one day, break them down into day-sized chunks).

Now, armed with your next five moves…pick the one item that will have the greatest impact on your life if you do it today. That item is now your priority. Get that done first, then knock out the other four. Then tomorrow…rinse and repeat.

This is the P+4F method at work. You can find a video explaining it in more detail on my website (link in bio). Use it and it will change your life. Keep doing what you’ve been doing…and you’ll keep getting what you already have!

It’s Okay to Have Some Fun

Do you have fun while you’re working?

Building a business or expanding your career is hard work…and serious business. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun while you’re doing it! In fact, you SHOULD have fun…it will make it a lot more enjoyable while you’re doing the hard stuff!

Now I’m not saying that if you don’t have a ping-pong table or foosball table you’re doing it wrong. You can have fun without all the toys or games…in fact, it may even be better that way. When you lean on the games to bring the fun, then you’re not really putting in the effort to find the fun in the business.


I really love this quote from Einstein, “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” It really emphasizes that it’s the process we should focus on and not rely on making it to the “finish line” before we get to enjoy ourself.

If you’re not having fun with the work you’re doing, take a quick time out and think about ways you can make it more fun and enjoyable. Can you make a game out of the work, maybe even pull your whole team into the brainstorming process!

How are you making your work fun? Leave a comment below and let us know!

Is It Time to Take A Stand

Are you the best at what you do? Are you willing to say so?

I will frequently talk with business owners and leaders and have fantastic products or services but downplay their own effectiveness or impact! Heck, I’m even guilty of this (and my grandmother would be proud!).

The problem is that if you don’t express the confidence you have in your product or service…who will? Exactly nobody!

We think that we’re being humble or avoiding speaking ill of others…but the reality is that people, including your customers, want to know that you are confident in your capabilities! Would you rather want the brain surgeon who was “pretty sure he could do it” or the one that “knows what to do”?

Take a few minutes right now and think about the leader in your market. Do THEY say they’re the best? Then you DEFINITELY should!

When Limits Win

How do you know when it’s time to cut bait?

Yesterday we talked about boundaries… and I’m also a fan of pushing your limits. So how do you reconcile those? It’s really not as hard as it sounds When you start with personal responsibility!

As an individual, you are only responsible for your decisions and outcomes, then there are modifiers. Parents take on responsibility for their kids, entrepreneurs take on some of the burdens for their employees and customers…but there’s a limit.

About 18 months ago, my adult son died from the effects of alcoholism. In spite of our best efforts, he still made the choices that led to his demise.

You only have responsibility for others to the point of their freewill choice. You can’t make the decision for them, that is where you have to let them beat the weight of their own burden.

Focus on what you can control, make the decisions that are within your purvue, and do everything you can to let the rest go.

Good Fences Make For Good Neighbors

It’s easy to talk about your neighbor violating boundaries, but what about you? Today let’s talk about how boundaries help YOU stay focused and in your lane!

Especially as a business owner or leader, it’s super easy to drift…to “expand” the business into new areas where there seems to be a need. But what happens when you do that too early or with faulty research. Suddenly you find yourself in unfamiliar territory and, perhaps worst of all, the original business can fall on hard times due to your lack of attention.

Having and abiding by boundaries lets you focus your time, energy, and attention to create a result!

Establish boundaries early on. Create mechanisms to check yourself when you begin to drift and exercise the discipline to stay inside the lines!

Two Keys to Control: Know and No

How often do you say no to requests that don’t lead to your success or help you meet your goals?

Saying no is easier for some than others, but if you have any hope of living the life you crave, you must become a master of culling the invaluable. And THAT begins with knowing what you want.

So how do you KNOW what you want? Is it possible to be sure? To have no doubts?

I’m just going to go ahead and say it, you WILL have doubts along the way! It’s a long road full of hard work. Of course, you’re going to questions your choices. And that’s not the point! Questioning doesn’t derail you…quitting derails you. When you have doubts, that’s the most important time to say NO!

Saying no to others is always easier than saying no to yourself! Why? Well basically because you can rationalize anything to yourself…it is not until you have to say it out loud…to someone else, that you get slapped in the face with how weak it really sounds.

This is one of the three key values to working with a coach to achieve your results. You are uniquely gifted and talented and so was Michael Jordan…and he needed Phil Jackson to help him win!

If you have been considering working with a coach, or maybe you just have a difficult time getting the results you’ve been longing for, send me a DM. I will be happy to have a no-cost, no-obligation chat with you to help you find the best path forward!

Remember, your path to success will be a winding one. No one gets to walk a direct route. So stay the course, keep your eyes on the prize, and ask for help when you need it. THESE are the keys to taking back control and living the life you crave!

The Tree And the Fence

Quick, name one thing that is preventing your success or keeping you from reaching a goal.

Don’t dwell on the answer, just blurt it out! Now ask, is this something within my power to change?

Regardless of what your blocker is, the answer is YES, you can change your circumstances and remove any obstacle!


All too often we allow negative self-talk to rule out day. And when that’s not giving us the excuse we want, we turn to comparison shopping for progress. You know, “THEY are farther along than me…”. And don’t even get me started on believing in the “shoulds.”

You are a unique combination of gifts and talents and you are positioned in time and place to make a difference. And the reality is you are making a difference, the only question is, is it a positive or a negative one.

Just because you are talented and gifted doesn’t mean you don’t have to put in effort toward the outcome though. Pick any great athlete, they still had to put in the work to achieve greatness, and so do you!

Just like the tree in this picture, don’t let any fence stop you from following your path to success. Yeah, you might have to go under or around and it might not be the prettiest…but it will be yours!

You may look at a fence or a wall and see an obstacle, something that will influence you to change your course. Instead, see it as an opportunity to overcome something that would stop a lesser person, someone who will have to settle for mediocre while you enjoy the fruits of your effort.

When you get stuck and need a hand seeing past your next fence or wall, DM me. I can help. And join me for a bit of daily inspiration, watch or listen to my daily video podcast (link in bio).

When To Flex and When to Focus

Why do plans always fail?

When I was growing up, the A-Team was all the rage on TV. One of the characters in that show had a saying, “I love it when a plan comes together!” Why is that such a great thing? Maybe because it is such a rare thing!

One of the most frustrating things to me as a business coach is to see people put so much time and effort into a business plan only to file it away and never look at it again. Is THAT why so many businesses fail? I don’t believe it is.

A business plan, any plan for that matter, is just a set of intended actions and expected outcomes. It’s not cast in stone and there’s no guarantee that the expected outcomes will happen. So why do we hold so tightly to plans if they’re not going to work out? IDK…THAT’s a great question!

Many a business owner and entrepreneur have had to cut their dreams short not because of lack of planning … most do a pretty good job of that. No, I believe they fail because once the plan is done, they hold more tightly to the plan than they do the desired outcome! In fact, I’ve probably read hundreds of business plans that didn’t describe ANY desired outcome!

How do you make decisions if you don’t know the outcome you’re trying to create?

As Kathryn says in our quote of the day today, “…[be] focused on the goal but flexible in your execution.” You may think a pop-up shop is THE way to go, so you struggle and suffer for two years… when all along you could have been posting your products online!

Take a minute right now and try to articulate your goal, out loud, in one sentence. If you can’t do that, then you don’t have a firm grasp on what you’re trying to accomplish. Don’t do any more planning till you know what you’re building…your odds of creating a successful plan will go way up!

If you need help with your plan, DM me or follow me on my website at www.ThomRigsby.com (link in bio).

Stop Chasing the Bright Shiny Thing!

When you confidence isn’t founded in focus and purposeful action then you are jumping without a parachute. – Kathryn Lang

It’s a slippery slope when you start chasing what “seems good” at the time.

When you run a business, it is easy to allow distractions, which can dilute your focus even though it seems the “rabbit hole” you’re running down seems more exciting.

You’ll find yourself “confidently” chasing details or “new ideas” that don’t make a difference in the big picture when you originally started everything.

You have confidence because you’ve been there before and you’re “revisiting” something that soothes you, instead of, stretching you.

High confidence should be treated as an indicator that you may not be pushing the boundaries of your comfort zone hard enough… seriously.

Before you make a decision, ask yourself how you can measure the result to see if it moved the needle.

If you can’t come up with a good way to measure, then it’s a bad decision because you’ll never be able to distinguish between a win or a loss.

Do you know how to distinguish between a win and a loss right now?

You may believe it will “sort itself out” in time because of whatever reason, but things never progress unless you’re able to determine the specific things to move the needle in your business. Until then, you’ll be “spinning your wheels”.