Is Your Hard Work Paying Off?

A few years ago I made a comment in passing that later really got me thinking. I was just having a casual conversation with a friend and kind of proudly claimed how much of a night-owl I had become. As I ran through all the things that were going on in my life that contributed to my night-owl-dom, it occurred to me how much I was sacrificing for “My Dream” of owning a business. In fact, I was almost right back in the same position that prompted me to start the business in the first place!

Why Did You Start A Business?

In the course of my coaching career I’ve heard a million and one answers to this question. When the tables were turned and it was my turn to start a business, the rationale was simple for me…to have more time freedom!

See, at the time I was working for a consulting firm and we had a requirement to BILL 40 hours a week. Well, to bill 40 you have to work 50 or 60…so here I am, diligently working long hours and weekends to meet the expectation. Then one day it hit me like a ton of K-Cups…I was wasting what precious time I had with my kids working! I needed to make a change and be present in there life!

Fast forward a few years, I’ve started my own business and I’m right back to working crazy hours. What exactly did I accomplish?

Are We Winning or Losing?

By all external appearances, the business was going great. Heck, by INTERNAL numbers we were doing great…and I still didn’t have the freedom I was really looking for. While everybody thought I was winning the business game, I was really losing the game of life! Again…something had to change.

So I locked myself away for a couple of days a took a long, hard look at what we were doing. I also spent time examining other businesses…and their owners…for what they were doing differently. I read every book I could find on growing a business, having work-life balance (spoiler alert…it’s not possible! More on that later)…basically anything I could read, watch or listen to that could explain what I was doing wrong or what I could be doing better!

The 9 CPA’s

No, not the ones that do you taxes!

After all that reading and listening and studying I narrowed it down to something I call the 9 CPA’s or the Nine Critical Performance Areas of your business. When I was able to identify and FOCUS (sorry, I know that’s a scary word), I began to see results. The business began to run more smoothly, there was less “frenzy” in the day, and most importantly, I could finally feel comfortable taking time away for the things that drove me to start the business in the first place!

Every business is unique…I get it, trust me! As of this writing I’m currently running businesses 12 and 13 that I’ve started from scratch and supporting many more. And even though your business is unique, you are still subject to the same 9 CPA’s…they are universal.

Now nine critical areas may sound like a lot, but in the years since I incorporated the CPA’s into my business coaching practice, I’ve never had a single business owner disagree once they saw the list! So whether you are in retail or wholesale, food service or grocery, services or Internet, they are all still there, waiting on YOUR FOCUS! And once they get them, they will deliver on the promise and you can see your hard work paying off!

So What Are the 9 CPA’s

In all candor, I would be doing a disservice to you if I just told you what they are. They’re a powerful set of tools to go in your business leadership toolbox, but just like a sledge hammer or power drill, if you mis-use them you will do great damage.

To make sure you fully understand the power of the CPA’s I’ve put together a web class for you. During this class I will outline the 9 Critical Performance Areas every business MUST focus on and how to use them to identify the barriers that are holding you back. And as a special bonus, I’ll show you how I teach my business coaching clients to write and track 90-day plans that will break down these barriers and make their work matter.

One Final Admission

I’m going to be perfectly honest with you, this is material I’ve charged clients for in the past. Because I’ve charged it has been a really difficult decision to release this info in a free web class. But I talked with many of my past and present clients to get their input and they unanimously agreed that learning and focusing on these 9 Critical Performance Areas was THE KEY to creating the business they needed to have the life, and lifestyle, they craved.

If you have ever looked in the mirror and asked, “Is this as good as it gets,” the answer is NO…and I can show you how to make it better. Use the button above to reserve your seat in this week’s web class!