The room was dark, lit only by the light coming from the three 20-foot screens behind him. He knew there were about 40 people in the room who collectively would decide if they won or lost a billion-dollar contract (yes, billion…with a B). His 20-something palms were sweating and fingers shaking on the laptop keyboard. All he could think about was whether his voice would quiver like his hands when the time came to speak. There was mumbling in the dark and he was more than ready to get this over with. Then out of the dark, he recognized the voice of the facilitator, calm and matter of factly, like the principal making announcements…”Let’s break for lunch.” His knees buckled a little…
Of course, that 20-something was me, making one of the biggest presentations of my life. That day was one of the most stressful in my career but it is also the day I mark as the day I knew THIS is what I was going to do with my life!
That’s been more than 25 years ago now and since then I’ve worked with Fortune 50 companies to mom-and-pop’s and everything in between. I’ve even been fortunate enough to start fourteen businesses from scratch, taking two of them to be million dollars a year producers.
Along the way, I found that helping fellow and aspiring entrepreneurs was just as rewarding, or maybe a bit more rewarding, than the business itself. So I created The KnolWorx Company, a firm dedicated to educating and supporting business owners and leaders.
Building on personal experience and providing business coaching for many startups and existing businesses alike, we have created a core set of classes, workshops, and seminars bolstered by video-on-demand training and extended with one-on-one and group coaching opportunities.
You don’t always have to win for change to occur. We didn’t win that billion-dollar contract but the experience changed my life. Now I have the opportunity to work with a select group of business owners and leaders with a proven track record of success, helping them solve their most pressing challenges and level up their business.
The Top 3 Questions (plus a bonus)!
In the course of building my coaching practice, I’ve identified the three most common questions facing leaders with an existing business. I’d love to know what YOU think about these three common questions business owners face:
How do I find more customers? Ah, customers, the life’s blood of a business! I’m very fond of saying that our job as entrepreneurs is to solve problems for other people at a profit…it’s the “other people” part we leave out. Many a business owner has scraped together enough capital to bring their great idea to life, only to find out they forgot how to build a never-ending stream of customers. How do you do that? … [read more]
How do I make more money? (BONUS: How do I keep more of what I make?) Conventional wisdom says poor cash flow or inadequate startup capital is the cause of most business closures. Based on my experience working with hundreds of business leaders I would lean more toward poor cash flow. Strong, even mediocre, positive cash flow can keep a business afloat for quite some time … [read more]
How do I find free time to spend with my friends and family? This is actually one of the most common reasons I’ve found for businesses to fail. At the end of the day, you decide it is just too great a sacrifice to give up time with friends and family, and while the thought of running your own business is still very appealing, the ability to enjoy a weekend or vacation with the family just means more. So, what do you do… [read more]
What Do You Think?
Did I miss something? Let me know what kinds of challenges you’ve faced and overcome is getting your business where it is so far!