Psst…hey…are you looking for a watch? I guess a more modern version of this old trope would be, “Hey, buddy, you looking for a 100% guaranteed way to make $10k of totally passive income by tomorrow?”
Why are we so enamored by these kinds of offers? What makes them so appealing even when we immediately view them with doubt and skepticism?
I often say that an opportunity that doesn’t come with some risk is not really an opportunity, it’s a gift or a hand-out. Intuitively we know that anything of real value comes with a cost. For an opportunity, that cost is risk! So when we are offered something “risk-free” we (should) start asking questions!
But isn’t risk bad? Shouldn’t we be trying to avoid risk? NOOOOO! Just like yesterday’s post about fear being a great indicator that you’re on the right track, so too is risk. NO great accomplishment was ever made without risk! And in fact, the greater the risk, the greater the reward, in both monetary terms and personal satisfaction!
So yes, be on the lookout for risk, mitigate it when you can, then charge head-long into its face…because behind the risk is where the reward is hiding!
If you’re are unsure about how to handle a risky situation in your business or life, DM me, I can help!