What Wants You?

What is the one thing that you keep coming back to, time and time again? It keeps calling to you and you just can’t get it out of your head? Have you ever wondered why that is?

Because you are uniquely gifted, talented and placed to have an abundant life and do work that matters, you are like a puzzle piece, uniquely shaped to fill a given spot in the masterpiece. That means you have at least one matching piece out there somewhere…and it is calling to you! Unless you answer that call and do you part, there will always be a gap, a hole, an unfinished piece! You don’t want that do you?

Someone needs to benefit from your contribution. They need the product you offer, the service you provide, they need to hear what YOU have to say!

But answering that call will lead you into the unknown, the unfamiliar, and therefore will be at least a little bit scary! But hey, what great accomplishment comes without risk!

Indeed, as Emerson said, everything you want is out there and it also wants you. Like two magnets you will be drawn together to create something much greater than either one on your own can produce. Just think what great things you could do if you redirected your focus away from maintaining the status quo and toward success!

Go forth boldly today, with confidence, and pursue that which you desire…it’s trying to find you too!

Confidence Is Fun

When was the last time you really had fun? Take a second right now and really think about it! How much did confidence have to do with it?

Joe Namath once said, “When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun.” But is that really true? Confident of what?

Have you ever watched children playing? Our granddaughter is 7 and she loves to sing along with songs and videos…but not when someone is watching. She’s very confident in herself when no one is looking. Add in an observer and her confidence takes a hit…and it becomes less fun.

You need a certain degree of confidence in order to really dive into something and go all out. And the funny thing is, it’s not even confidence in the outcome! You can have a great time playing a game and still lose. It’s confidence in yourself to compete…to have a chance! (remember that word, chance)

See, for any victory to be rewarding, there has to be some risk involved, there has to be a chance that you WON’T WIN in order to enjoy the game! When we take the risk away, there is no need for confidence…so in a misguided attempt to build confidence, they’ve actually taken the confidence from a whole generation! But I digress…

When I’m talking with aspiring business owners in my life and business coaching practice, I hear it all the time, “I want to get all my ducks in a row” or, “dot all my I’s and cross all my t’s.” The reality is not only is that not possible, but you also don’t want that!

Confidence is the result of experience. You have to try things to build the confidence you need to win…in little league, in business, and in life! What have you avoided trying lately? Go ahead give it a shot! Win some confidence and have FUN doing it!

What Is the Displacement Principle

Are you having trouble getting results? Can’t seem to get the things you want? Here’s the reason…and an answer!

You are not getting the results you want because of displacement. You are displacing the work you SHOULD be doing to create the result you want with other work that is either ‘busy work’ or directed at something other than what you say you want.

If you have the ability to read this message, you have access to everything you need to create the result you want! The ONLY thing holding you back is YOU and what YOU choose to work on.

I know it’s not always sexy or fun…and that’s the point! If you want something you’ve never had you have to do the things you’ve never done! And so what if they are difficult, or risky, or whatever! DO IT ALREADY… do work that matters!

We are almost half-way through 2019…are you half-way to your goals for the year? If you’re not, there’s still time, you just have to choose the right priority and get it done…then do it again tomorrow…and the next day…( I think you get the idea ).

If you are struggling with your goals I would love to help! You can schedule a no-cost, no-obligation call with me on my website (link in bio). You will find clarity, gain confidence, and take back control of your time! You CAN make great things happen before the end of 2019!

success demands hard work and focus

Yesterday we talked about there being no easy path, no ‘lotto solution’ to your challenge.

Those of you with kids can probably relate to this (or maybe it was an employee!). They work so hard and spend so much time trying to get out of doing something that you look at them and think (or say), “You know, if you’d spend that much time doing what I asked, you’d be done already.”

While I do believe that you are uniquely gifted, talented and placed to do your work that matters…that is only part of the story. You still have to put in the work, and sometimes, maybe even most of the time, that work is difficult!

But that’s okay, in fact, that’s preferred! Why? Simple, because the harder you work for an outcome, the more valuable it is to you! The sense of accomplishment and fulfillment you get from completing something hard far outweighs the momentary difficulty of the work!

So just like fear and risk are really good indicators that you are on the right path, so to is hard work! It reminds me of that old saying, “If it was easy, everybody would do it!”

If you want the things no one else has, you have to do the work no one else will!

There is no risk free path to success

Psst…hey…are you looking for a watch? I guess a more modern version of this old trope would be, “Hey, buddy, you looking for a 100% guaranteed way to make $10k of totally passive income by tomorrow?”

Why are we so enamored by these kinds of offers? What makes them so appealing even when we immediately view them with doubt and skepticism?

I often say that an opportunity that doesn’t come with some risk is not really an opportunity, it’s a gift or a hand-out. Intuitively we know that anything of real value comes with a cost. For an opportunity, that cost is risk! So when we are offered something “risk-free” we (should) start asking questions!

But isn’t risk bad? Shouldn’t we be trying to avoid risk? NOOOOO! Just like yesterday’s post about fear being a great indicator that you’re on the right track, so too is risk. NO great accomplishment was ever made without risk! And in fact, the greater the risk, the greater the reward, in both monetary terms and personal satisfaction!

So yes, be on the lookout for risk, mitigate it when you can, then charge head-long into its face…because behind the risk is where the reward is hiding!

If you’re are unsure about how to handle a risky situation in your business or life, DM me, I can help!