Employment In America July 2016 – Good News?

employment in americaEmployment in America – What Does The Future Hold?

Employment in America is changing rapidly. Do you need to look at your future differently than you might have a couple of years go? According to a survey sponsored by the Aspen Institute’s Future of Work Initiative, the Markle Foundation, Burson-Marsteller and TIME – the answer is a most definite YES! 

Let’s pull some of the numbers from this survey. How is this going to impact your future as an employee or hiring employees.

While most employers prefer full-time employees, more than half are currently using independent contractors and expecting themselves and others to use more in the future.

So if you’ve been downsized or are seeking employment – this might be a good time to understand that fewer traditional employment opportunities will exist in the future. The good news is that you could find contingent work almost immediately as the need increases. I’ve addressed the solo-entrepreneur in another blog post.

With the demand for contingent workers on the rise there will be more opportunity for an employer to find “good help”. As more people enter the workforce as “part-time” or contingent workers the pool increases. The pressure of hiring a full-time worker when you really only need 18 hours a week is greatly reduced as the quality good up.

Both employers and employees see the on-demand economy as a completely different way of doing business.

This completely different way of doing business is the new economy. The world of work is getting leaner. That doesn’t necessarily mean that there are fewer opportunities. It fact, it may mean just the opposite. The new opportunities will just present themselves in a very different fashion.

Almost and employers are satisfied with the performance of contingent workers.

Clarification of terms from the survey: For this survey, the definition of non-employee contingent workers is those who work for an organization on a non-permanent basis and typically work on a form 1099, as opposed to full time, W2- based employees of an organization. Contract or non-employee contingent workers are also known as freelancers, independent contractors, or temporary contract workers. They do not include workers, part time or full time, who are issued a Form W2. Penn Schoen Berland (PSB) conducted 800 online interviews with employers (i.e., employers or business owners who make hiring decisions for their organization), from June 5-16, 2016.

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